Lecture notes and videos

  1. Vector and Matrices
  2. Solving Ax=b, Linear Independence, Rank
  3. Rank, Column, Row and Null Spaces
  4. Matrix Operations and Elementary Matrices
  5. Matrix Elimination
  6. Row Echelon Form, Matrix Inversion, Gauss-Jordan Form, Computing the nullspace, Complete Solution to Ax=b
  7. Vector Spaces and Subspaces, The Column Space, The Nullspace, Computing Ax=0
  8. The Complete Solution of Ax=b
  9. Independence, Basis, and Dimension
  10. Dimensions of the Four Fundamental Subspaces
  11. The Four Fundamental Subspaces: Applications to Graphs and Orthogonality
  12. Projecting on a Subspace
  13. Least Squares, Orthogonal Matrices, Gram-Schmidt and A=QR Factorization
  14. Least Squares, Orthogonal Matrices, Gram-Schmidt and A=QR Factorization (Continued)
  15. The Properties of Determinants
  16. Determinant Formulas, Cofactors, Cramer's Rule, Inverse Matrix, Area and Volume
  17. Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  18. Diagonalization of a Matrix, Matrix Exponential
  19. Differential Equations and the Eigenvalue Problem, Exponential of a Matrix, Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices
  20. Positive Definite Matrices and the Jordan Form
  21. Singular Value Decomposition
  22. Linear Transformations
  23. Introduction to 1st Order Ordinary Differential Equations



Course info and references

Credit: 3 Units

Lectures: MWF, 10:30 -- 11:20 am, DeBartolo Hall 215.

Professor: Nicholas Zabaras, 311 I Cushing Hall, nzabaras@gmail.com

Teaching Assistants: Zhuogang Peng, zpeng5@nd.edu, Samaresh Midya, smidya@nd.edu

Office hours: Teaching Assistants, Mondays and Wednesdays 5:15 -- 6:15 p.m. (DeBartolo 203); N. Zabaras, Tuesdays 5:00-6:00 pm (Cushing 311 I).

Course description: This course provides a rigorous review of linear algebra including vector spaces and subspaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonality, singular value decomposition, linear transformations; Applications of linear algebra to networks, structures, estimation, Lagrange multipliers and optimization will be discussed. Also covered are: differential equations of equilibrium; Laplace's equation and potential flow; boundary-value problems and Sturm-Liuville Theory; system of linear ODEs, non-linear differential equations and stability; Fourier series; discrete Fourier transform; convolution; and applications.

Goals for the Course: The purpose of the course is to provide you useful insights and understanding of mathematical methods that will be relevant to your research work. While the complexity of calculations will be kept to a minimum, we will put emphasis on integrating concepts from linear algebra to understand the nature of the solutions of systems of linear and non-Linear differential equations. Our goal is to identify the underlying patterns in many applications and allow clear understanding of the nature of the solutions of equations and development of efficient methods to compute them.

Intended audience: Graduate Students in Engineering and the Sciences. Qualified undergraduates can also be enrolled.

References of General Interest: The course lecture slides will become available on the course web site. Please note that the lecture slides are to be read on the internet - and not to be printed. For in depth study, readings from the recommended textbooks will be highlighted. While there is no required text for this course, most of the lectures will follow closely the books by G. Strang and W.E. Boyce and R.C. DiPrima. The books by E. Kreysig and M. Greenberg provide comprehensive material for all lectures (and beyond) and can be useful for subsequent engineering Mathematics courses.

Homework: Assigned every week. We anticipate approximately ten homework sets. While ideally all homeworks should be submitted typed to allow easy readability, as a minimum you will need to scan your work and submit it electronically. Your homework solutions should be accompanied by any computer programs (e.g. MatLab scripts, data files, Readme files, etc.) and mailed by midnight of the due date to this Email address. All attachments should arrive on an appropriately named zipped directory (e.g. HW1_Submission_YourName.rar). We will be asking for volunteers weekly to prepare Latex solutions to each homework set. We much appreciate your help.

Exams: There will be three midterm take-home exams (no final). The designated days for the exam are as follows: September 27th, November 2nd and December 6th. The exams are two hrs long but you will be provided freedom within 24 hrs of selecting your start. Managing of downloading the exams and their solution within 2 hrs will be provided through Sakai. Note that we reserve the right to change the format of the exams if it becomes clear that we cannot guarantee the university's honor code.

Grading: Homework 10% and each exam 30%.

Prerequisites: Elementaty Linear Algebra, Differential Calculus, Previous exposure to differential equations. Some programming background in MatLab (or if you desire in Mathematica, Python, etc.) is required for some of the homework. Also it will be helpful to acquire Latex skills in assisting with the homework solution preparation.

Honor Code: Students are expected to understand and abide by the principles and procedures set forth in the University of Notre Dame Academic Code of Honor and uphold the pledge that "As a member of the Notre Dame community, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to learn and abide by principles of intellectual honesty and academic integrity, and therefore I will not participate in or tolerate academic dishonesty". Students may collaboratively discuss course assignments, but are expected to write and complete their own assignments independently. Downloading solutions from the web or other sources is not allowed. Finally, there should be absolutely no interactions between students regarding the takehome exams.


  1. Introduction to Vectors and Matrices
  2. Linear Equations
  3. Vector Spaces and Subspaces
  4. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  5. Singular Value Decomposition
  6. Linear Transformations
  7. Applications of Linear Algebra
  8. First-Order Differential Equations
  9. Second-Order Linear Equations
  10. Series Solutions of 2nd Order Linear Equations
  11. The Laplace Transform
  12. Systems of First Order Linear Equations
  13. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Stability
  14. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
  15. Boundary Value Problems and Sturm-Liuville Theory